Spectrogram and Parameter Viewer Hotkeys

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STx >= 5.0

Hotkeys are now defined in the text file viewer2.hotkeys in the profiles directory of your STx installation.

STx <= 4.4.10

Home Move active cursor to beginning of the x axis of the active graph
End Move active cursor to end of the x axis of the active graph
PgUp, PgDn Sectioner Spectrum: Change cursor binding between 1st to 2nd spectrum
Left, Right Move active cursor left / right
Shift+Left, Shift+Right Fast move active cursor left / right
Up, Down Move active cursor up / down, only if cursor is not bound to function values.
Shift+Up, Shift+Down Fast move active cursor up / down, only if cursor is not bound to function values
F2 Activate next cursor of active graph (toggle)
F3 Mirror inactive cursor around active cursor position (toggle)
Ctrl+F3 Mirror active cursor around inactive cursor position (toggle)
C Change cursor style of active graph (cyclic)
B Bind / unbind cursors (y-scale) to / from function displayed in active graph
L Lock/unlock time cursors (toggle)
M Move the cursors to selected segment marker.
1 In the Waveform zoom window, pressing 1 will use the position of the selected cursor to adjust the position of the selected cursor in the spectrogram and parameter graphs. This is useful for fine-grained positioning. In all other graphs, 1 will set selected part of parameter function to the value entered in the input field.
Del Delete the selected segment marker from the graphics and from the project!
Ins Create a new segment over the signal bracketed by the cursors of the active graph.
Ctrl+Ins Create a new segment over the signal bracketed by the cursors in the active graph and save the parameters in this segment.
Ctrl+Shift+Ins Create a new segment over the signal bracketed by the cursors in the active graph and then select profile to analyse new segment.
H Hide segment markers (if visible) or mark all segments in analysed range (if hidden, without name dialog)
W Write (changed) position of segment marker to the project. This calls the segmentSaveSelected command.
Ctrl+M Move the selected segment marker to the cursor positions. The segment controls and the segment marker are updated, but the new position is not saved in the project.
Z Copy the position of the (running) play cursor into the Seg. field of the segment dialog
Tab, Shift+Tab Active next/previous graph or dialog control.
Ctrl+Tab Toggle focus between dialog and last activated graph
0 Set selected part of parameter function to zero
1 Set selected part of parameter function to the value entered in the input field. This hotkey is available in all graphs except for the Waveform Zoom. In the Waveform Zoom window, pressing one will use the position of the selected cursor to adjust the position of the selected cursor in the spectrogram and parameter graphs. This is useful for fine-grained positioning.
Ctrl+0 Mask out all parameters between the cursors which have no value in the selected parameter line.
Ctrl+C Copy selected part of parameter function to another compatible parameter function
D Replace selected part of parameter function with the line connecting the cursors (use rubber line for preview)
E Enable edit mode for parameter selected in the parameter list (dialog)
F Start f0-test for the spectrum displayed in the sectioner window
Ctrl+G Exchange selected part of parameter function with an other compatible parameter function
J Join all broken parts inside the selected part of the frequency function to one track (replace gaps with interpolated lines)
Ctrl+Z Undo last parameter edit command, only one undo step is possible
S Show statistics of parameter selected in the parameter list (dialog)
Ctrl+S Save parameter functions in project.
X End parameter edit mode
Ctrl+X Move selected part of parameter function to an other compatible parameter function
Ctrl+ Num * Multiply selected part of parameter function with factor entered in input field
Ctrl+N Switch to next sectioner layout (circle)
Ctrl+W Hide/show sectioner windows (toggle)
Ctrl+T Toggle between parameter and segment dialog
Space Play signal bracketed by cursors
Ctrl+P Play signal of selected segment marker in active graph
Q Play whole signal displayed in active graph
P Play signal window before / after current cursor. The window length and alignment is defined by the play window settings.
Esc Stop playback
F4 Increase play window length (double)
Ctrl+F4 Decrease play window length (half)
T Toggle play window alignment (before / after)
Ctrl+L Toggle audio loop on and off
NUM+ Zoom in to graph centering around the active cursor on the x axis
NUM- Zoom out of graph centering around the active cursor on the x axis
Ctrl+NUM+ Zoom in to graph centering around the active cursor on the y axis
Ctrl+NUM- Zoom out of graph centering around the active cursor on the y axis
V Zoom in to the area between the cursors on the x axis.
Ctrl+V Zoom in to the area between the cursors on the y axis.
Shift+V Zoom in to the area between the cursors on both the x and y axes.
Shift+NUM+ Increase the floor (spectrogram)
Shift+NUM- Decrease the floor (spectrogram)
O Toggle between zoom and overview modes
Ctrl+O Reset the zoom (zoom out completely)
R Set cent reference frequency to the frequency of the active cursor in the sectioner spectrum window
Ctrl+A Turn automatic sectioner update on/off (toggle). This calls the sectionerPlot command.
F8 Update sectioner windows using signal around position of selected time cursor. Only needed, if automatic update is disabled
Ctrl+F8 Compute averaged spectrum of bracketed signal.
Y Enable/disable the "use-Y for range selection" option
A Start a viewer / analyser application for the bracketed signal. A dialog to select the application and profile is displayed.

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