Programmer Guide/Command Reference/EVAL/modclust: Difference between revisions

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:*otherwise: index vector containing the indices of the data vectors associated with cluster ''iclust''
:*otherwise: index vector containing the indices of the data vectors associated with cluster ''iclust''
;See also: [[../haclust|haclust]], [[../em|em]], [../density|density]], [[../svd|svd]]
;See also: [[../haclust|haclust]], [[../em|em]], [[../density|density]], [[../svd|svd]]

[[../#Functions|<function list>]]
[[../#Functions|<function list>]]

Revision as of 07:32, 21 April 2011

Model based agglomerative clustering. A hierarchy and BIC (Bayesian Information Criterion) values are calculated for given data vectors.

Usage 1
modclust(x, htable, bictable, mflag {, min, max, alpha})
data matrix NxM, one data vector with length M per row
hierarchy table (reference used for output)
BIC table (reference used for output)
method for distance and BIC calculation
mflag method
0 Single Linkage
1 Complete Linkage (linaer distances)
2 Complete Linkage (log. distances)
min, max
optional minimum (default=2) and maximum (default=N) number of clusters for BIC calculation; 2 <= min < max <= N
optional factor for BIC calculation (default=1); 0 <= alpha <= 100
Result 1
On return the hierarchy information is stored in htable (Nx3 matrix) and the BIC values are stored in bictable ((max-min+1)x3 matrix). The return value ibest is the index of the BIC table entry with the highest BIC value (ibtest=imax(bictable[*,2]).
hierarchy table htable: N rows, 3 columns
column 0 index of min. row (from)
column 1 index of min. column (to)
column 2 agglomeration cost (distance)
BIC table bictable: max-min+1 rows, 3 columns
column 0 number of clusters
column 1 log. likelihood
column 2 BIC

Usage 2
modclust(htable, nclust)
cluster hierarchy table (Nx3 matrix, see Usage 1).
number of clusters
Result 2
The created partition table ptable, which is a vector with N elements containing the group indices. The value ptable[i] (i=0..N) is the index of the cluster containing the data vector i.

Usage 3
modclust(ptable, iclust { x})
partition table (Nx1 matrix, see Usage 2).
index of cluster to be extracted
input data matrix (NxM matrix, see Usage 1)
Result 3
  • if x is supplied: matrix of all data vectors (rows of x) associated with the cluster iclust
  • otherwise: index vector containing the indices of the data vectors associated with cluster iclust

See also
haclust, em, density, svd

<function list>

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