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Calculate the absolute frequency of the values of vector x in arbitrary classes. Depending on the number of extents, the result of the function is a vector or a scalar.

hist(x, us, os, n)
hist(x, uv, ov)
hist(x, rv)
wsum(hist(x, rm)
x, y
the x- and y-data vector: y[i] = f(x[i])
us, os, n
Every pair {'us'+d*k, us+d*(k+1)} (with: d=(os-us)/n, k=0..n-1) defines a class. All three arguments are scalars.
uv, ov
Every pair {uv[k], ov[k]} (with k=0..nrow(uv)-1) defines a class. Both arguments must be vectors with same length.
Every pair {rv[k], rv[k+1]} (with k=0..nrow(rv)-2) defines a class. The argument must be vector.
Every pair {rm[k,0], rm[k,1]} (with k=0..nrow(rm)-1) defines a class. The argument must be matrix with 2 columns.
The result r is a scalar or a vector. Each element ri is the number of elements of x belonging to class i. An element xkbelongs to a class i if xmini <= xk < xmaxi.
See also
sum, hist

<function list>


The absolute frequency of a vector in arbitrary classes. The result of the following functions is a vector or a scalar (dependent on the number of classes).

Using n classes with the same width, the first class begins at us and the last class ends at os.

hist(x, us, os, n)

nrow(uv) classes where every pair (uv[i], ov[i]) defines the value range of a class.

hist(x, uv, ov)

nrow(rv)-1 classes where every pair (rv[i], rv[i+1]) defines the value range for summation.

hist(x, rv)

nrow(rm) classes where every pair (rm[i,0], rm[i,1]) defines a value range for summation.

hist(x, rm)

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