complex arithemtic

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Because the current version of the STx EVAL command do not support a complex data type, a package of functions is used to implement arithmetic and special handling for complex numbers.


  • A numerical object containing N x M complex numbers (N>=1, M>=1), consists of 2N rows and M columns, because each complex number uses two cells of a row.
  • If a numerical object containing N x M complex numbers, is converted element-wise to real numbers, the resulting object consists of N rows and M columns.
complex -> complex
argument x any complex type
result r same complex type as x

r=cr2p(xc) ... convert from cartesian format (real, imaginary) to polar (length, phase)
r=cp2r(xc) convert from polar (length, phase) to cartesian format (real, imaginary)

cp2r(xc) ... convert from polar to cartesian format
a complex scalar, vector or matrix in polar format (length, phase)
same type as xc, but the complex numbers are stored in the cartesian format (real part, imaginary part)
cr2len(xc) ... convert cartesian format to length (amplitude)
a complex scalar, vector or matrix in polar format (length, phase)
same type as xc, but the complex numbers are stored in the cartesian format (real part, imaginary part)

r with same length as x containing the converted window function

See also
window, fft

<function list>


Convert Cartesian coordinates to Polar coordinates



Return Type:

like xC

complex numbers

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