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Searching for a keyword or its abbreviation

The KEYWORD command searches for a keyword, or for the (non-unique) abbreviation of a keyword, in a list of keywords. It is supplied a single string testValue (the keyword to search, or its abbreviation), and a list of blank-separated keywords, keywordList. The command returns the zero-based index of the first keyword in keywordList equal to (if option /Full is supplied), or starting with, testValue. If keywordList does not contain an appropriate keyword, the command will return -1.

var := KEYWORD [ /Full [ /Casesensitive ] ] /- testValue keywordList
the keyword to locate in keywordList, or its abbreviation. Note that the KEYWORD command does not expect a unique abbreviation - it will simply return the first keyword starting with testValue, even if there are dozens more.
a blank-separated list of keywords
if specified, the function searches for the first entry exactly equal to testValue, meaning that abbreviations will not be found.
If used in conjunction with /Full, the comparison is case sensitive.
// will return 0, because "toll" starts with "to"
#index := keyword /- to toll too to Toledo

// will return 2, because "/Full" looks for strict equality
#index := keyword /Full /- to toll too to Toledo

// will return -1, because the keyword list does not contain "To"
#index := keyword /Full /Casesensitive /- To toll too to Toledo

// will return 0, because "/Casesensitive" is valid only with "/Full",
// and so it is ignored here!
#index := keyword /Casesensitive /- To toll too to Toledo

Checking for the presence of an index

Instead of a keyword, or its abbreviation, the KEYWORD command may be supplied an integer. It will then check if this integer is a valid index in the respective keyword list. If this is the case, it will return the unmodified index. Otherwise, it will return -1.

var := KEYWORD index keywordList

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