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Create a vector by alternately concatenating the elements of the source vectors.

vvcat(x1 {, x2 {, ...}})
x1, x2, ...
vectors with the same length
The result is a vector with n*nrow(x1) elements, where n is the number of arguments. The elements of the source vectors are alternatly assigned to the result: r = { x1[0], x2[0], .., xn[0], x1[1], x2[1], .., xn[1], .. }.
See also
vv, vvset, vvset, vmcol, vmrow, vsubn, vsubc

<function list>


#a := eval vv(1,1,1,1}
#b := eval vv(2,2,2,2}
#c := eval vv(3,3,3,3}
#d := eval vvcat($#a,$#b,$#c) 
// -> #d = { 1 , 2 , 3 , 1 , 2 , 3 , 1 , 2 , 3 , 1 , 2 , 3 }

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