Creating a display
See SET DISPLAY for the SET commands and DISPLAY Item Attributes for a list of attributes.
NEW DISPLAY name caption rows cols1 .. colsN [/Style=wdwstyle /Dialog=dlgpos /Floating] [/Joystick /Icon=icon_id /dRop] [ /G ] [ /Owner=$#ownerDisplay [ /Modal ]]
Create a display item. This is the window (container) for graphs and/or a dialog. The arguments rows (>= 0) and cols1-colsN (1 or 2) define the number of rows and columns within those rows available for graphs. If rows equals 0 no graphs can be created in the display. The option /Dialog must be specified if a dialog should be contained in the display.
- caption
- The window caption (title).
- rows
- The number of rows used for graphs.
- colsX
- The number of columns (1 or 2) in row X.
- /Joystick
- Enable joystick support.
- /R
- Enable file drag and drop for this window (dRop).
- /Style=wdwstyle
- Set the window style of the display; currently the following 3 styles are supported:
- FRAME desktop frame window with system menu; move and resize possible; fullscreen/window switching enabled
DIALOGBOX: dialog window with system menu; without minimize/maximize; not visible in taskbar; no resize MESSAGEBOX: dialog window without system menu and caption not visible in taskbar; no resize
- /Dialog=dlgpos
- Enables dialog and sets the dialog window default position (ABOVE|BELOW|LEFT|RIGHT) inside the display; the position can be changed via macro commands if dialog is not a floating window.
- /Floating
- The dialog is a floating window; user can drag/dock window.
- /Icon=icon_id
- One of a number of icons can be specified (see Appendix). If this option is not used, the standard icon will be used.
- /G
- Garbage collection. If specified, the item is automatically deleted when exiting the macro.
- /Owner=$#ownerDisplay
- If you want this display to have an owner, use this flag and pass a display or dialog item. Owned windows have the following properties:
- 1) that the owned window is *always* above the owner in the z-order,
- 2) the owned window is destroyed with the owner by the system
- 3) the owned window is hidden when the owner is minimized
- /Modal
- If specified in conjunction with a valid /Owner=$#ownerDisplay, this new display disables it's owner whilst it is displayed. If no owner is specified, this option is ignored.