User Guide/STX Console

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Console dialog.png

The Console is a command line interface to an STx shell. It can be started from the Script Controller or the menu entry "Run > BScript" of the log window.

The Console can
  1. process commands on a line by line basis
  2. process multiple commands pasted from the clipboard
  3. maintain a command history; you can use the up/down keys to navigate to commands and the tab key for command completion
The Console cannot
  1. process STx control commands like IF, FOR, DO, WHILE, BREAK and CONTINUE

Special Commands implemented by the Console Application

CD → Get or Set the current working directory

CD [dir]

Set the current directory to dir and display the full path of the current directory. Without an argument, only the current directory is shown. result: the full path of the selected directory or an empty string if the command fails

CD /diropt

Set the current directory to the path selected by the option diropt:

  • /Work : STx working directory
  • /Root : STx program or installation directory
  • /Script: default STx script directory
  • /Dialog: select the current directory in a dialog

result: the full path of the selected directory or an empty string if the command fails or it was canceled

CLEAR → Clear console window or command history


Clear the console window.


Clear the command history.

  • The command CLS is an alias for CLEAR WINDOW
  • The result of the command CLEAR is always an empty string

EXIT → Close the Console window


Close the Console window. The command history and the console settings are saved automatically. The Console application is also terminated, if the command window can be closed with the mouse or a hotkey.

LOG → Write text into the console window

LOG textline1 [.. textlineN]

Write the arguments to the console window. If not option is specified, each argument is written to a separate line. The option /Append can be used, to place all arguments in one line.

  • Normally LOG is not often used in the command line, because the result and the output of all commands is written to the console window anyway.

LS → Display a directory listing

LS [path1 .. [pathN]] [options]

Display a directory listing using the pathX arguments as a wildcard file/pathname mask.

  • /Recursive: recursive listing of all subdirectories
  • /Long: use the long listing format to display file details, otherwise only the file name is listed
  • /Path: display the full path name of files
  • /Directories: list directories only
  • /Files: list files only
  • /More: stop listing every n and wait for user input (enter or escape)
  • The command DIR is an alias for the LS

SETCON → Display or set Console parameter values

SETCON [parName]

Display all Console parameters (no parName given) or the parameter parName

SETCON parName parValue

Assign parValue to the Console parameter parName. The following Console parameters can be changed:

  • stackSize: Set the maximum number of commands to be stored in the history. The parValue must be an integer number greater than 1.
  • moreLines: Set the number of lines used as pagesize if the /More option is speciefied in a Console command. The parValue must be an integer number greater than 1.
  • font: Assign a new console window font and/or change the fontsize. The parValue can define the new fontname (newname), the fontsize (:newsize) or both (newname:newsize). The fontname must be the name of an installed font and fontsize must be an integer number in the range 6 to 20. The new font is applied to the console window on the next start of the Console application.
  • logMsg: Turn extended Console log messages on or off.

SHOW → Display attributes and data of any shell-item or variables


List the command history.


List the shell-id and application name of all running STX shells.

SHOW SOUNDFILES [/Long /Summary]

Display a list of all currently loaded soundfiles.

  • /Summary: show only the number of loaded soundfiles
  • /Long: display details also, not only the soundfile path
SHOW [itemtype] [/Summary]

Display the names of all shell items (no argument) or of shell items of the specified itemtype.

  • /Summary: show only the number of shell items per displayed itemtype
SHOW MACROCODES [mask] [/Summary /Long /Noclass]
SHOW SPUCODES [mask] [/Summary /Long]
SHOW CLASSES [mask] [/Summary /Long]

List the names of all loaded macros or spu's. If the argument mask is specified, only the matching names are listed. In the long list format of classes the class-name and the parent-class is displayed.

  • /Summary: display only the number of macros / spu's.
  • /Long: use the long list format
  • /Noclass: hide macros defining a class
SHOW VARIABLES [mask] [/Global|Shell|User /Invert]

List the names of all variables defined in the selected environment. If the argument mask is specified, only the matching names are listed.

  • /Global: global variables (visible anywhere in STx)
  • /Shell: shell variables defined and used by the console script
  • /User: shell variables defined and used by the user during the console session
  • /Invert: inverts the meaning of the argument mask; display not matching variables names.
  • Note: use the normal STx syntax $varname to use a variable in a console command.

STS → Load, run and debug scripts

STX → Start an STx application

STX appname [appargs]

USE → Load a console extension package

See also

Programmer Guide

Navigation menu

Personal tools