Programmer Guide/Shell Items/Dialog/Dialog Controls/Progress

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Dialog control progress.png

SET dialog index PROGRESS row col text var1 w h var2 [fg bg font][ /A|L|R ]

The progress control can be used to display the progress of a process. It could also be used to simulate a level-meter or other value displays. The position (fill status) of a progress control is updated on each command specifying the option /Write. If a hash '#' is used in place of var2, the default range (0-100) is used. You can connect a value item to a progress control using the command SET dialog index INPUT output. If the user clicks the progress bar, the message VALUE is generated.

var1 The name of the position variable.
var2 The name of the range variable (var2 = minimum maximum).
/Horizontal or /Vertical A horizontal or vertical progress bar.
/Smoothfill Use smooth filling instead of blocked filling.

See Common arguments for a description of the parameters not described here.

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