Example Toolbox function

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The function ExportSegmentsToSoundfiles exports the selected segments from the Workspace Detail to individual soundfiles. It is only available in the DataSet context.

//{{3.7.0 849}{2005.05.30  15.31.20} - automatically created version information - do not change or delete this line}

This is a Toolbox definition and implementation file. Place this file in the
Toolbox folder, and you can then run this function in
STx via the Special->Toolbox Function menu.

Function:       ExportSegmentsToSoundfiles
Usage:          This is a Toolbox function definition and is called
                by the Toolbox manager.
Description:    The user can select segments in the Workspace Detail and 
                export them to individual sound files (one per segment).
                By default, sound files are exported to the same directory 
                as the segment's sound file is in and sequences are exported
                to the working directory. See the ExportSegmentsToSoundfiles
                macro for the implementation details. See the comments below
                for details about the possible settings.
Author:         Jonnie White
History:        2005-06-03    jw    Created
                2005-06-17    jw    Added dialog telling user that files were
                                    successfully added.
                2005-07-25    jw    bugfix: bdataset::getsegment was no longer working
[Function ExportSegmentsToSoundfiles]
// Hotkey ; Command                    ; Type  ; Context ; Applications
*         ; ExportSegmentsToSoundfiles ; macro ; dataset ; *
// Description
Export the selected segments to individual sound files
// Setup Variables
AddToDataset = 1	// 	Values:   0|1
					// 		0 - Do not add files to the dataset
					//      1 - Ask the user if they want to add files to the dataset
PathNameFlag = 0	// 	Values:   0|1
					//      0 - The path should be the same as the source file
					//      1 - The path should be chosen by the user
PathName = 			//	Values:   empty or a valid directory path
FileNameFlag = 0	//	Values:	0|1|2|3	
					//		0 - <segmentid>.wav
					//		1 - <soundfilename>.wav
					//		2 - <soundfilename>.<segmentid>.wav
					//		3 - <audioref>.wav (1st "/" removed, all other "/" replaced ".")

Macro:          ExportSegmentsToSoundfiles
Usage:          This is a Toolbox function implementation macro for the DataSet
Description:    This Toolbox function is called in the Dataset context and
                exports any selected segments (in the table #etab) to 
                sound files. The user can choose the file name format for the 
                sound files which will be created and whether they should
                be stored in the same directory as the original sound file.
Author:         Jonnie White
History:        2005-06-03	jw	Created
				2017-04-05	an	Dialog added, some functional changes
[Macro ExportSegmentsToSoundfiles]
// Parses the arguments depending on the context.
// This must be the first command
$@TBPARSE '$#argv'
// Loads the settings (if any are defined)

// at least one segment must be selected in the DataSet context table #etab
if '$#etab[?]' != 'table' || '$#etab[]' < 1 || '$#etag' != 'aseg' then
    BUtil 'MsgBox Msg; Please select at least one segment and try again.; ToolBox "$#function" Error!'
	goto _tbexit

// check variables exist and have permissible values
if $(keyword '#$#AddToDataSet' #0 #1) < 0 #AddToDataSet := 1
if $(keyword '#$#PathNameFlag' #0 #1) < 0 #PathNameFlag := 1
if $(keyword '#$#FileNameFlag' #0 #1 #2) < 0 #FileNameFlag := 1

#listPathNameFlag := set ' soundfile path; specified path'
#listFileNameFlag := set ' segment id; soundfile name + segment id; xml audio reference'

#txt := cond $#etab[] == 1 ? set '(1 segment)' : set '($#etab[] segments)'
#dlg := cdlgmap * dialog * ToolBox "$#function"
$($#dlg setci) 			combobox	0.0	0.0		'target directory' #PathNameFlag 14 1 #listPathNameFlag /a /d=;
$($#dlg setci) 			combobox	0.0	16.0	'file name format' #FileNameFlag 22 1 #listFileNameFlag /a /d=;
$($#dlg setci path)		edit		2.0	0.0		'' #PathName 33 1
$($#dlg setci browse) 	button		2.0	35.0	'...' * 3 1
$($#dlg setci) 			checkbox	3.0 0.0		'add created to soundfiles' #AddToDataSet 30 1 /r
$($#dlg setci ok) 		button		4.5	 0.0	'Export  $#txt' * 28 1
$($#dlg setci cancel) 	button		4.5	30.0	'Cancel' * 8 1

$#dlg begin okay
	$($#dlg setci path) $(word $#PathNameFlag v e) /n=2
	$($#dlg dlg) * /w
	readstr '$($#dlg loop ok cancel)' #id #par
	$($#dlg dlg) * /r
	if '$#id' == command then
		if '$#par' == ok || '$#par' == cancel then
		else if '$#par' == browse then
			if '$(Butil DirectoryDialog Select Export Directory; $#PathName ; Yes ; No ; No)' != '' readvar result #PathName
$#dlg end

if '$#par' == cancel goto _tbexit
$BDataset Attach 				// attach the dataset for the duration of this function
#oldPos := $BDataset SavePos	// save the position so we can restore it at the end of the function
#newFiles := new table * /g		// Add new file paths to this table
for #i := 0 to $#i < '$#etab[]' step #i := int $#i+1 // if the user has selected any segments
	$BDataset SelectASeg * ; $#etab[$#i] // select the segment
	if '$result' == 0 then
		readstr '$($BDataSet FormatIRef)' #ASegIRef
		readstr '$(reverse '$#ASegIRef')' #ASegId'/'#ASetIRef
		#ASetIRef := reverse '$#ASetIRef'
		#ASegId := reverse '$#ASegId'
		readstr '$($BDataset GetASetInfo)' #';'#ASetId';'#';'#';'#ASetFilePath /Delete
		readstr '$(FileToolBox Tokenize '$#ASetFilePath')' #fdrive';'#fdir';'#fname';'#fext';'#
		if '$#PathNameFlag' == 0 then
			#FileName := '$#fdrive':'$#fdir'
			readvar #PathName #FileName
		if '$#FileNameFlag' == 0 then
			#FileName := set '$#FileName' '\' '$#ASegId'
		else if '$#FileNameFlag' == 1 then
			#FileName := set '$#FileName' '\' '$#fname' '.' '$#ASegId'
		else if '$#FileNameFlag' == 2 then
			#FileName := set '$#FileName' '\' '$(translate '$(substr '$#ASegIRef' 1)' '/' '.')'
		#FileName := '$#FileName' '.' '$(stxfiletype wave)'
		#wsrc := $($BDataset CreateWave '$#ASetIRef ; $#ASegId ; *') 
		if '$#wsrc[?]' == wave then
			if '$(bsf 'open $#FileName;create;~$#wsrc[!srate];~$#wsrc[!channels]')' == 0 then
				#wdst := $(new wave * 0_~$#wsrc[!length])
				if $rc == 0 then
					if $($#wsrc copy $#wdst) == 0 $#newFiles * '$#FileName'
					delete $#wdst
				bsf 'close $#FileName'
				BUtil 'Msgbox Msg; Segment "$#ASetIRef/$#ASegId" - failed to create file "$#FileName" ; ToolBox "$#function" Error!'
			$BDataset deletewave $#wsrc            
			BUtil 'Msgbox Msg; Segment "$#ASetIRef/$#ASegId" - create waveitem failed! ; ToolBox "$#function" Error!'

BUtil 'Msgbox Msg; $#newFiles[] of $#etab[] segments exported ; ToolBox "$#function"'
if '$#newFiles[]' > 0 && '$#AddToDataset' == 1 then
	if $(readstr '$($BDataset DialogSelectElement Select target set for new sound files; single; iref; Set; 1)' #addSetRef) > 0 then
		while $#newFiles[] > 0
			$BDataset AddASet '$#newFiles[0];$#addSetRef;*'
			$#newFiles 0 /Delete
		DatasetCmd RefreshAll

$BDataset SelectIRef $#oldPos
$BDataset ResetPos $#oldPos
$BDataset ResetPos $#etab
$BDataset Detach

$@TBSAVESETUP        // Save the settings (if any were changed)
exit 1 int $#changed // #changed must be set to 1 if any data was changed (otherwise 0)

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