var := IREF xmlfile /Format [ /Attribute=irefAttributeName ] [ /Baseposition=positionOfIrefBaseElement ] [ /Ilent ] var := IREF xmlfile /Format position [ /Attribute=irefAttributeName ] [ /Baseposition=positionOfIrefBaseElement ] [ /Ilent ] var := IREF xmlfile table posfld reffld [ /Delete /Tagged ] [ /Baseposition=positionOfIrefBaseElement ] [ /Ilent ] var := IREF xmlfile /Select [ iref | position ] [ /Nocase ] [ /Attribute=irefAttributeName ] [ /Baseposition=positionOfIrefBaseElement ] [ /Ilent ]
Returns the internal reference (IREF
) to the selected element or an empty string.
- xmlfile
- The id of an XML file item.
- /Format
- This option is mandatory.
- /I
- If set, errors are suppressed, and warnings are generated instead.
var := IREF xmlfile pos /Format /Delete [ /I ]
Returns the internal reference to the element at the position pos or an empty string. If /Delete is specified, the position is also deleted.
- pos
- The position of an element in the XML file xmlfile.
- /Delete
- This option is mandatory.
See the commands above for a description of the other parameters and options.
IREF xmlfile table posFld refFld /Format /Delete /All|Tagged [ /I ]
Stores the internal references to the element found at the positions in the field posFld in the field refFld. If /Delete is specified, or posFld is the same as refFld, then the positions are also deleted.
- table
- The id of an extended table.
- posFld
- The name of the field where the element positions are stored.
- refFld
- The name of the field where the IREFs should be stored. If this is the same as posFld, then the positions are deleted before being overwritten.
- /All|Tagged
- If /All is specified, all table entries are used (this is the default). If /Tagged is specified, then only the tagged entries are used.
See the commands above for a description of the other parameters and options.
IREF xmlfile iref|pos /Select [ /I ]
Select the element at the specified position (pos) or internal reference (iref).
- iref
- The internal reference of an existing element.
- pos
- The position of an existing element.
- /Select
- This option is mandatory.
Please not that you must surround the ref argument with single quotes, otherwise it will be interpreted as an option.
<code>IREF '$#f' '$#aset' /Select</code>