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Create a shuffled version of a set.

shuffle(x {, n {, once { seed}}})
the set to be shuffled; must be a vector or matrix
the number of row exchanges applied top x; 0 < n (default=nrow(x)/2)
if not equal 0 the position of a row must not be changed more than 1 times, otherwise the number of position changes of a row is not limited
if this value is not equal 0, it is used to initialize the random number generator used to select the rows to be exchanged

A vector with length m, containing the indices of the selected elements of the set.
It is assumed that the set is indexed from 0 to n-1 (i.e. the number of elements). The result vector can be applied as an index list on the set to extract the corresponding elements.
See also
rand, grand, shuffle

<function list>

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