Programmer Guide/Command Reference/EVAL/map2map
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//----- // Map2Map(Type_s=0, X_m, NCol_v {, PRow_v}) // // Type_s=0 expand all rows to equal length (use linear interpolation) // if PRow_v is specified: map varying row distances to fixed grid (use linear interpolation) // // X_m input map (N rows, M columns) N > 2, M > 2 // NCol_v NCol_v[n] = the number of used columns in row X_m[n,*]; 0 <= n < N, 2 < NCol[n] < M // PRow_v XRow_v[n] = the relative position of row X_m[n,*]; 0 <= n < N, PRow_[0] < PRow[1] < .. < PRow[N-2] < PRow[NX-1] // // result: without PRow_v: Y_m (N rows, M columns) // with PRow_v: Y_m (NY rows, M columns); NY := int ( (PRow_v[N-1] - PRow_v[0]) / min(PRow_v) ) + 1 //-----