rleqs, cleqs

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These functions implements an interface for the LAPACK [1] functions DGESV, ZGESV, DGELS and ZGELS.

rleqs(A, B {, alg}):
left side MxN matrix x
right side vector with M elements (one solution) or MxNHRS matrix (multiple solutions)
select a LAPACK algorithm to be used
alg=0 ... use DGESV if M=N and DGELS otherwise
alg=1 ... use always DGESV, M must be equal to N
alg=2 ... use always DGELS
The function DGESV (ZGESV) solves a linear equation system.
  • A[M x M] * X[M x NRHS] = B[M x NRHS]
The function DGELS (ZGELS) can be used to find the least solution of an overdetermined system (M>=N) or the minimum norm solution of an underdetermined system (M<N).
  • M>=N: minimize || B[M x NRHS] - A[M x N] * X[M x NRHS] ||
  • M<N: A[M x M] * X[M x NRHS] = B[M x NRHS]
A detailed description of the functions can be found here: [[2]]
The result X has the same type as the argument B and contains one solution per column.

  • The function cleqs(A, B {, alg}) has the same arguments and result as rleqs, but the vectors/matrices A, B and X are complex.
  • rleqs calls the LAPACK functions DGESV and DGELS, while cleqs calls ZGESV and ZGELS

See also

<function list>

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