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Convert phase spectrum.

cvphase(p, ifmt, ipos, ibin, ofmt, opos, obin, nbin, rev, sr, len, hop)
original phase spectrum at frame ipos and in the format ifmt; p is a vector with n values
ifmt, ofmt
input and output phase format (1 = locked phase, 2 = normal phase (not locked))
ipos, opos
input and output frame index
ibin, obin
input and output spectral bin
number of spectral bins to convert
reverse output phase (0=no, 1=yes)
signal sampling rate in Hz; this argument is currently not used but must be supplied!
len, hop
transformation length and hopsize (in samples) used for analysis and resynthesis
This function replaces the following macro code
    [macro cvphase arg: #p #ifmt #ipos #ibin #ofmt #opos #obin #nbin #rev #sr #len #hop]
    #dp  := eval 2 * pi * $#hop / $#len
    #idt := eval $#ifmt == 2 ? 0 : $#dp * $#ipos
    #odt := eval $#ofmt == 2 ? 0 : $#dp * $#opos
    #r := eval init($#nbin,1)
    for #i := 0 to $#i < $#nbin step #i := int $#i+1
        #z := eval ($#p[$#i] + pi + ($#i+$#ibin)*$#idt) % (2*pi)
        if $#rev == 1 #z := eval -$#z
        $#r[$#i] := eval ($#z - ($#i+$#obin)*$#odt) % (2*pi) - pi
    exit 1 set $#r
A vector r with nbin values, containing the converted phase values.
Note: The input and output phase values are in the range -pi..pi.
See also
hcomb, optmm, script application MulAc

<function list>

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