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  • File: BSF.STX, linked to library STX.LIB
  • Title: soundfile handling

NewDialog OpenDialog
Open Close CloseAll
Select Truncate
Variables and items used by this library
name type description
@ParSoundFileNew global variable default values for function NewDialog
@ListAudioSampleCode global variable list of defined sample code keywords
@MaxAudioChannels global variable maximum number of soundfile channels
@MaxAudioSRate global variable maximum sampling rate in Hz
@ListAudioSRate global variable list of standard sampling rate values
@TempDir global variable directory for temporary files
BSFOpenList table item list of open soundfiles (only for BScript applications);

this table is used by the functions Open, Close and CloseAll

SoundFileList shell variable name of the shared soundfile table item (see BSTXIni)


BSF NEWDIALOG [ srate [ ; nch ; code ]
Dialog to create a new soundfile.
argument description default
srate Sampling rate in Hz last dialog value
nch Number of channels. last dialog value
code Signal sample size (number of bits) and code. last dialog value
RESULT description
path The full pathname of the created soundfile.
empty string If the dialog was canceled or the creation fails.
  • This function uses a two step dialog. In the first the soundfile name is selected. The second is used to select the soundfile parameters.
  • On return, the soundfile is created but not opened.
See also


Dialog to open an existing soundfile.
RESULT description
path The full pathname of the selected soundfile.
empty string If the dialog was canceled or the soundfile check fails.
  • On return, the soundfile is checked (existence, format) but not opened.
See also






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