Signal energy (rms) method

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Signal energy (rms) method

Compute the signal energy (rms) in the time or frequency domain. The result is the parameter function RMS(t) which can be saved in the DataSet.

V2 method signal energy rms.png

min/max, floor/range, auto/range, auto

Display range in dB. The RMS display range is set to floor .. floor+range or to min .. max. The type of range is selected with the combobox below the input controls. Alternatively, you can let STx automatically calculate the best range for you based on the input signal.

use FFT

If left unchecked, the signal energy is computed in the time domain (the standard RMS algorithm is applied to the not-windowed signal). If checked, the signal energy is computed in the frequency domain (FFT: using the fft power spectrum, with windowing function correction). See the Spectrogram method for a description of the weighting parameters.

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