Signal Analysis and Display
The Signal Analysis & Display branch of the Application & Setup Tree offers the user the following applications for analysing and displaying signals:
- Real-Time Analyser - for analysing input signals in real-time.
- Waveform & Segmentation Viewer - for the segmentation of sound files using a waveform display
- Spectrogram & Parameters Viewer - for analysis and parameter extraction using multiple analysis methods
- Spectrum Viewer - for computation and display of averaged spectra
All applications (except the Real-Time Analyser) store their settings in so-called 'profiles'.
A profile is a specific graphical and analysis parameter setup for a particular viewer. They are stored in the Workspace file and can be edited in the Application & Setup Tree. Each viewer application comes with a number of pre-configured profiles. Profiles can be copied, renamed and deleted. In order to create a new profile, copy an existing profile and then make the necessary changes to it's name and settings.
Pre-configured Profiles
Each of the viewer applications comes with a number of pre-configured profiles.
Importing and Exporting Profiles
You can export a profile by selecting it in the Application & Setup Tree and selecting Export from the context menu. You can import a profile by selecting the application name in the Application & Setup Tree (e.g. Spectrogram and Parameters) and selecting Import from the context menu.